What is aftershave for

Many think that aftershave is simply a pleasant and fragrant gesture, others even replace it with eau de toilette thinking that aftershave and perfume are the same. Men often inherit aftershave from their dad or grandfather, or acquire the habit from them without much explanation. But what is aftershave really good for? Bulligans explains it to you!

As we know, shaving is a micro trauma of the skin, in fact the repeated passage of the razor continuously exfoliates the epidermis at a too frequent pace.

In fact, by cutting the hair, the blade also takes away a certain number of keratinocytes, the most superficial cells of the epidermis, inevitably weakening its structure.

The main function of a good aftershave becomes immediately clear: not only to soften the skin and restore its natural protection, but also to soothe, moisturize and clean it in depth to avoid the annoying appearance of follicles.

A self-respecting aftershave must contain soothing ingredients, capable of relieving temporary skin irritation, such as calendula, mallow, chamomile or aloe vera, but also some vegetable oil that intervenes to nourish the thinned epidermis due to the passage of the razor, as well as some astringent substance to minimize the risk of the appearance of unsightly follicles, cleansing the pores and cells of the epidermis.

Also in this case Bulligans Collections has thought of you with the aftershave cream available in two different fragrances:Silver Mountain andWood and Tobacco .

Our aftershave cream are designed for those who shave constantly.

In fact, they immediately relieve irritation due to shaving, also acting as a moisturizer, making the skin toned and luminous and preventing skin irritation.

Thanks to their active ingredients and ingredients such as argan oil, aloe vera and olive oil, they ensure lasting well-being throughout the day.

If you buy on our website www.bulligans.com you will also get a free aftershave towel!

The packaging is made of 100% recyclable aluminum

Also don't miss ours 5 tips for beard care

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We would like to remind you that the quality of all Bulligans Collections products is of natural origin and guaranteed by Made In Italy.

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